A new Lego Jurassic Park set contains a giant pile of shit

A photo shows a large pile of feces made of Lego pieces.

Image: Lego / Kotaku

Today, Lego officially announced five new ones Jurassic Parkthemed sets that are inspired by scenes and locations from the iconic first film, which will be released in June to celebrate the film’s 30th anniversary. But who cares about that? Let’s talk about the fact that Lego made sure to include a huge pile of dinosaur shit in one of the sets.

The original Jurassic Parkdirected by Steven Spielberg, was released in 1993. Its combination of groundbreaking CGI, scale models of dinosaurs, thrilling action and Jeff Goldblum helped make the film one of the biggest of the year and launched an entire franchise of films, games, books and comics. Now, 30 years later, Lego and Universal Pictures are teaming up to release a new wave of playsets directly inspired by the first Newman blockbuster film by Seinfeld to screw up really bad in a dinosaur park made by a rich dude.

And in the $50 Triceratops Research set (76959), you’ll notice perhaps the biggest pile of crap ever included in an official Lego set. However, to be fair, there aren’t that many sets with heaps of crap in them. And I say that as a self-proclaimed Lego poop expert. Still, that’s one impressive pile of poo!

A photo shows the pile of Lego poo near other Lego figures.

Image: Lego / Kotaku

Why is there a huge pile of poo in the new Lego Jurassic Park set?

Why is there a huge pile of dino dung in this upcoming set? While it would be funnier if this was just a random prank by a rogue Lego designer trying to get fired, it’s not.

Instead, this is based directly on the original film. About halfway through the movie, the group comes across a sick dinosaur. One of the characters, Dr. Eli Sattler, suspects that the creature may have been poisoned by the fruit of a plant and investigates by digging up to his elbow in a huge pile of poop left behind by the ailing dino. When Goldblum’s character arrives near the mound of feces, he utters the famous line: “That’s one big pile of shit.

Read more: The Complete, Surprising Eight-Year History of Lego Poop

Now Lego has made sure to include that very pile of shit in a playset so that kids around the world can have fun with dino poo. And before you assume it’s just a rock or a pile of dirt, look at the back of the box and you will see a Lego piece representing berries. These are the same fruits that Dr. Sattler was looking for while digging through the pile of poop in the movie. Case closed! It really is a big pile of shit.

Meanwhile, the rest of the new Jurassic Park the sets look great even if they don’t involve dinosaur crap. I’m excited to see Lego finally release a Lego Brachiosaurus and the prices don’t seem too outrageous. All of these sets will be released on June 1st.

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