The Super Mario Bros. Movie is now available to buy or rent digitally

Illumination’s animated adaptation of Nintendo’s long-running game Super Mario franchise accumulated impressive high box office gross of $1+ billion worldwide. And now, while it continues squeeze all your money out of moviegoers at the multiplex it’s time for mario and luigi to go home. Well, to your house. Starting today, you can buy and rent the hit film digitally at home.

Released on April 5th, after years of hype and rumours, The Super Mario Bros. Movie got a mix of positive and negative reviews. Our own Carolyn Petty said that while the film has “prerequisites for an exciting adventure” ultimately feels like a “transparently hollow commercial product” that is “designed in a lab to make our brains light up in recognition of the things we love without actually reminding us why that love exists in the first place.”

Regardless of the negative reviews (or because of them), the film managed to make a lot of money at the box office, with its current total standing at approx $1.2 billion worldwide. This will probably be one of the biggest movies of 2023, if not the biggest. Not bad for two plumbers from New York! And now their hilarious adventure is available digitally through various digital storefronts and apps across the United States and Canada. This will probably make it even easier to upload the whole movie to Twitter, which is about weeks.

Jack Black is the best part of Super Mario Bros. Movie

While the film stars some big names like Chris Pratt, the clear star according to the audience and my citySlack’s own discussions are Jack Black. The comedian/actor/musician/cool dude plays Bowser in the movie and does a phenomenal job capturing the character’s modern blend of menace and sadness. Oh, and this”Peaches” song is probably the best part of the whole movie. It’s still stuck in my head weeks later. Actually, let’s watch the awesome video for the song again, shall we?

Jack Black / Lyrical Lemonade / Nintendo

And while we’re at it, let’s remember that time Jack Black appeared on a talk show to promote the movie dressed as Bowser and his balls were so easy to spot in the costume that someone at the network made the show censored his clothing in a very obvious and stupid way. Jack Black recently went viral again with his new Tenacious D song, “Video games.” This song is also stuck in my head. Damn you Jack Black!

Anyway, this isn’t a post about Jack Black – at least it wasn’t meant to be – so let’s get back to the main topic: Animation Mario the movie is now available to watch at home through your preferred storefront or streaming app. Enjoy and watch out for some very clever and funny easter eggs hidden in the film.

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