The Resident Evil 4 remake review bombed for the worst reasons

The Contagious evil 4 remake it’s not a one-to-one clone – it’s a more distinct copy, s gameplay settingsdialogue changes and new voice actors incl Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City actress Lily Gao reprises her role as a killer in a red dress Here’s Wong.

I’m enjoying what I found to be a well-oiled PS5 thriller, but I’m always up for honest criticism, even with hater’s touch. Unfortunately most of what RE4 it’s not that, but the byproducts of people getting angry about not getting what they want – mercilessly inspection bombs criticizing Gao’s performance and the perceived “wokeness” of the remake “censorship”, which translates to removing glances and some suggestive dialogue.

I was surprised by the backlash to Gao’s acting in particular, which I thought sounded natural, poised and a bit sarcastic, both qualities I felt matched Ada Wong’s high-powered abilities (her stomach rippling under her sweater!) individualism.

She doesn’t sound as sensual as she once did, nor as irritatingly campy, The player criticized in a recent articlebut regardless of your preference, her performance wasn’t worth the mercilessness the fans unleashed.

In response to their aggressionGao, the first Asian actor to voice Ada in an English version of a Resident Evil game seems deleted most of her Instagram except for a post describing the “role of privilege” of white Americans. Gao didn’t answer my cityrequest for comment in time for publication.

But fans had more than a week to let their bad thoughts percolate, so they had more to shout about than Ada’s voice acting (although it still upset them). For your convenience, here is a short list of the most popular reasons Metacritic users are slaps RE4 with fours, threes and proud, yawning zeroes according to the users themselves:

  • “bad dubbing”
  • “Lily Gao is the worse [sic] A voice actor who will ever voice a character. What the hell is wrong with you capcom”
  • “The humor is gone. […] He’s even woken up in places.”
  • “Gives me goosebumps, and the story was funny in 2005, now it’s funny.”
  • “The changes in Ashley’s behavior from the original to the remake made the latter less enjoyable.”

Contagious evil 4supposedly “woke” the soundtrack

Things are looking up though – review bombs seem to have decreased and RE4 now has a “mixed” user result on Metacriticsettled in at a solid 7.0, down from the 4.8 it was this weekend.

In response, some people have taken their crashes elsewhere, including, enigmatically, in Steam discussion sections for other games.

“Is this game awake?” discussion post dated March 31 for the indie horror game Dear asks. “In between Dead spacewoke up the bathrooms The Hogwarts legacyhas awakened gender, and RE4‘s Awakening Soundtrack I’m starting to doubt if I’ll be able to play any new games this year…”

I know by reading this sentence does feels like a non-surgical lobotomy. But if you’re wondering what the hell the “woke” soundtrack could mean, pop culture writer Tauriq Moussa ventured on Twitter that it probably refers to music “that has elements from non-white countries” or is “performed by women”. Sometimes I forget how rarely evil gamers get out, but moments like this remind me.

Have you ever spoken to a human woman without crying?

If you ask evil gamers themselves, they don’t need sunshine, a glass of water or a therapist. They are crusaders against censorship, uniting for the purity of video games.

Noble cause. Or it would, except that “censorship” in this case refers to a obsessive need to see a piece of assistant Ashley Graham’s underwear at 57 FPS and hear protagonist Leon sneer and say something sexisttwo elements Capcom it was already abolished in 2021 for its VR version of RE4.

Two years was not enough time for geeks – who I like to think of as a group of Doll trolls who was left behind a washing machine – to mourn the loss of 45-FPS video game underwear and unfunny dialogue.

Also, it hasn’t been long enough for them to realize that if they have to see such bad underwear at 30 FPS, they might as well play the original version of the game on modern consolesor this – and this is real advice for professional gamers – they can see real underwear in real life if they try to be normal human beings and bathe regularly.

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