Overwatch 2’s hot new character Lifeweaver leaks, fans are obsessed

Lifeweaver is seen standing in front of a tall building with the sunset behind him.

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Overwatch 2 is reveals his next character tomorrowApril 4, but the character has already expired in a since downloaded article from PCGamesN. Although the article in question has been shelved, fans have still seen enough to be enamored with the new supporting character named Lifeweaver, and that’s because he’s hot and pansexual.

Lifeweaver is the 37th playable character added to the hero shooter, and the ninth to fill a supporting role. He uses technology called “biolight” to heal teammates and build platform-like structures that lift players up to reach high. He can also move teammates with an ability called Life Grip, which shields and pulls teammates to him. This can be used to save someone from being taken off the map or simply to get them out of the line of fire if they find themselves in a compromised position. According to lead character designer Alec Dawson, this playstyle is designed to give players who may have trouble targeting an alternate way to play a support character.

“The goal was to create another support character that didn’t rely on an aim skill,” said Alec Dawson PCGamesN. “Lifeweaver is designed for players who care a little more about their own positioning, their sense of play – those are the skills they check more than necessarily aiming.”

His ultimate is called Tree of Life, which allows Lifeweaver to create a giant tree structure anywhere on the map that both emits healing pulses and acts as cover for your team to avoid enemy fire.

But with all that said, the real reason Lifeweaver has already caught both our attention and the fans’ attention is that my man is extremely hot and serving up some serious looks along with her best friend Symetra. The handsome boy here just shines with his flowing white hair, his open shirt, his huge pink mechanical flower that is on his back. He’s already an icon and he’s not even properly introduced.

Anyway, read on my city tomorrow, April 4th at 2:00 PM ET if you want to know more details regarding Overwatch 2the new pansexual king.

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