The Sims 4 bug turns babies into leggy monsters

A toddler is seen singing to two people sitting on chairs in the living room while having normal-sized legs.  However, he will be the only one in this article who can claim that.

Image: EA

Unless you think watching people get up and go to work every morning is a terrifying sight, you probably won’t classify The Sims 4 like a horror game. However, its latest update introduces babies to the game for the first time, and while they may look cute when you first load your save file, players have discovered a bug that turns them into long-legged monsters.

The bug was reported to The EA support site (Thanks Eurogamer), where players say they were able to reproduce the problem by having babies interact with objects in the house, such as a toy or a lamp. So while developer Maxis is most likely aware of the issue, several players have shared examples of it in their The Sims 4 games on places like Reddit. If I were to see these babies walking on fully grown adult legs, so would you.

A Sims 4 baby is seen with unusually long legs and is floating in the middle of the room as if possessed by a demon, but is smiling menacingly.

The Sims 4 baby is seen with long legs and arms that make him as tall as the adult-sized stuffed unicorn he's standing next to.

Another baby with long legs is shown with a small cat standing next to him, basking in terror.

These shapeshifting monsters came as part of a bigger update earlier this week along with Let’s grow together expansion pack. Beyond the whole nightmare fuel issue, the update is actually a pretty substantial step forward for the babies in the The Simsas they have more customization options and ways to interact with other heroes than ever.

Prior to this update, babies were treated much like objects that adult characters could interact with, rather than people with their own wants and needs. It’s a shame that they also seem to go through sporadic growth spurts when they interact with certain objects. Hopefully Maxis will address this sooner rather than later for those who weren’t expecting some body horror between courting and removing the pool stairs. Baby face Toy Story looking ass.

The Sims 4 became free to play back in Septembereight years after its launch in 2014. Although the team is still maintaining the game as we approach its ninth anniversary, Maxis teases the next entry in the series a little after The Sims 4 make the free game change.

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