Top 14 Most Toxic Anime Couples

Image of Nana's Takumi and Hachiko.

If you watched Nana, you may be entitled to emotional compensation.
Screenshot: Madhouse / Hidive / Kotaku

Trigger warning: sexual assault

Pound for pound, the worst couple in all of anime goes NanaHachiko Komatsu and Takumi. While other horror relationships rank highly for how the more supernatural plot elements of their shows heighten their rampant violence and abuse, Hachiko and Takumi’s relationship is the textbook definition of toxic anime couples for how their bad romance mirrors the emotional and physical abuse in the real world.

Read more: NANA It teaches readers how to grieve a friendship

For context, Takumi is a bass player in a band (red flag) and Hachiko quickly falls for any man who gives her time. Things between the two get complicated when Hachiko has feelings for her friend Nobu and Hachiko becomes pregnant. Hachiko inevitably decides to be with Takumi due to the possibility that he is the father of her child, but the decision irreparably damages her relationship with Nobu and her roommate Nana Osaki. Takumi routinely verbally abuses Hachiko, forces himself on her, and controls every aspect of her social life under the guise of keeping their relationship a secret from fans. To make matters worse, her boyfriend is still cheating on her after the birth of their child, and the father of their second child is still very upset.

Must Nana mangaka Ai Yazawa decided to ended the series’ long hiatusI pray he gives the girls of apartment 707 the happy ending they deserve.

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